Saturday, November 27, 2010

Instalasi Mikrotik

Bagi kamu yang masih pemula silakan baca-baca dulu tulisan saya sebelumnya mengenai Pengenalan Mikrotik terlebih dahulu yang berisikan penjelasan singkat apa itu mikrotik, fungsi, manfaat dan beberapa tipe instalasi yang bisa digunakan. Tulisan ini khusus membahas instalasi Mikrotik menggunakan media Compact Disc (CD) atau biasa disebut CD-Install.


Download dulu mikrotik 2.9.27. Untuk instalasi software RouterOS, kamu akan butuh perangkat CD-Writer dan CD kosong. Silakan bakar (burning) file .ISO yang sudah kamu download ke dalam CD menggunakan software pembakar CD seperti Ahead Nero dan software favorit kamu lainnya. Pada tutorial ini saya akan mencoba memberikan visualisasi berupa gambar-gambar langkah demi langkah instalasi RouterOS versi 2.9.27 pada komputer PC.

Langkah Instalasi

  1. Masukkan CD yang sudah dibakar ke dalam CD Drive, lalu booting PC.
  2. Pilihlah paket instalasi yang ingin digunakan. Proses ini berkaitan dengan lisensi RouterOS yang kamu miliki.
  3. Tekan tombol “I” untuk melanjutkan instalasi. Kamu akan ditanya apakah akan meneruskan dengan memformat isi hard disk (hati-hati jangan sampai salah hard disk). Saat ditanya apakah akan menyimpan informasi lama, silakan dijawab tidak atau tekan tombol “N”.
  4. Ambil snack dan minuman ringan serta tunggulah beberapa saat selama proses instalasi dilakukan.
  5. Sudah selesai? tekan Enter untuk melakukan booting pertama kali RouterOS.
  6. Sesaat setelah RouterOS berhasil di boot, kamu akan dihadapkan pada layar seperti gambar 6. Lakukan pengecekan sistem terhadap kemungkinan kerusakan yang terjadi, tekan tombol “Y”.
  7. Kamu sudah selesai melalukan instalasi RouterOS.

Proses Login dan Sistem Konsol

Setelah sukses instalasi kamu sudah dapat login untuk pertama kalinya seperti terlihat pada gambar 7. Gunakan username admin dengan password kosong (tekan tombol Enter saja). Kamu wajib mengganti password dengan password-mu sendiri, gunakan perintah /password.

Paket standar Mikrotik yang sudah kamu install minimal akan berisi paket sistem (system package) saja. Termasuk dasar Routing IP dan Administrasi Router. Untuk menambah paket lainnya seperti wireless, OSPF, IP Telephony dan sebagainya silakan download terlebih dahulu paket-paketnya. Penting untuk diperhatikan adalah saat memilih paket tambahan yaitu harus sama versinya dengan RouterOS yang kamu gunakan. Jika tidak maka paket tambahan tersebut tidak dapat diinstalasi.

Kita akan bahas sistem konsol dan cara navigasinya lebih lanjut pada tulisan berikutnya dari saya.

sumber :

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fedora 14 - A Take On Its New Features

Fedora 14 named after physicist "Robert B. Laughlin" has been released. In my opinion, Fedora is geared more towards developers and system administrators than the ordinary users. However, it is perfectly usable as a Desktop too - baring a few exceptions (See the drawbacks below).

What Is New In Fedora 14

Libjpeg-Turbo - has replaced its older counterpart Libjpeg. Libjpeg-Turbo provides much faster JPEG compression/decompression.

Better Cloud Computing support - Fedora 14 will be made available directly on Amazon's EC2 cloud service. Read an interview with Justin Forbes to know more.

SPICE - is an acronym for Simple Protocol for Improved Computing Environments. It allows remote access for a physical machine, and provides a virtual machine front-end for local users. By including SPICE, Fedora 14 makes virtualisation of Desktop PCs far more easier.

Simplifies security management through the implementation of OpenSCAP.

Perl has been updated to version 5.12, Boost to version 1.44, Python to version 2.7, Netbeans to version 6.9, KDE to version 4.5, Eclipse to the Helios Release, and Sugar to version 0.90.

Linux kernel is and not the latest 2.6.36. However, the Fedora kernel includes an updated Nouveau driver and Utrace, a userspace tracing framework which has long been maintained outside the kernel.

Some Perceived Drawbacks For Desktop Users

Fedora does not offer the out-of-the-box support for some Wi-Fi components available in openSUSE or Ubuntu.

Flash player included is the open source version and not the closed source one from Adobe.

Proprietary drivers from AMD and NVIDIA are omitted from the default Fedora package.

How To Get Fedora

Fedora 14 has by default the GNOME Desktop. However, various spins of Fedora are available for KDE, XFCE, and LXDE as well.

To download Fedora 14 visit the Get Fedora page.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Five Easy Ways to Secure Your Linux System

On the heels of last week’s entry on using DenyHosts, and Nikto the week before that; I thought it appropriate to continue in the security vein with five more simple techniques that you can use to protect your systems. These include using account locking, limiting cron use, using DENY access to services, refusing root SSH logins and changing SSHD’s default port.

There’s no excuse to run insecure systems on your network. Your data’s integrity (and your job) depend on your ability to keep those systems running correctly and securely for your co-workers and customers. Shown here are five simple techniques to make your systems less vulnerable to compromise.

Account Locking

Account locking for multiple failed tries puts extra burden on the system administrators but it also puts some responsibility on the user to remember his passwords. Additionally, locking allows the administrator to track the accounts that have potential hack attempts against them and to notify those users to use very strong passwords.

Typically, a system will drop your connection after three unsuccessful attempts to login but you may reconnect and try again. By allowing an infinite number of failed attempts, you’re compromising your system’s security. Smart system administrators can take the following measure to stop this threat: Account lockout after a set number of attempts. My preference is to set that limit to three.

Add the following lines to your system’s /etc/pam.d/system-auth file.

auth    required   /lib/security/$ISA/ onerr=fail no_magic_root
account required /lib/security/$ISA/ per_user deny=3 no_magic_root reset

Your distribution might not include the system-auth file but instead uses the /etc/pam.d/login file for these entries.

Cron Restriction

On multiuser systems, you should restrict cron and at to root only. If other users must have access to scheduling, add them individually to the /etc/cron.allow and /etc/at.allow files. If you choose to create these files and add user accounts into them, you also need to create /etc/cron.deny and /etc/at.deny files. You can leave them empty but they need to exist. Don’t create an empty /etc/cron.deny unless you add entries to the /etc/cron.allow because doing so allows global access to cron. Same goes for at.

To use the allow files, create them in the /etc directory and add one user per line to the file. The root user should have an entry in both allow files. Doing this restricts cron to the root user only.

As the system administrator, you can allow or deny cron and at usage based upon the user’s knowledge and responsibility levels.

Deny, Deny, Deny

“Deny everything” sounds eerily Presidential doesn’t it? But for system security and certain political indiscretions, it’s the right answer. System security experts recommend denying all services for all hosts using an all encompassing deny rule in the /etc/hosts.deny file. The following simple entry (ALL: ALL) gives you the security blanket you need.

# hosts.deny This file describes the names of the hosts which are
# *not* allowed to use the local INET services, as decided
# by the '/usr/sbin/tcpd' server.
# The portmap line is redundant, but it is left to remind you that
# the new secure portmap uses hosts.deny and hosts.allow. In particular
# you should know that NFS uses portmap!


Edit the /etc/hosts.allow file and insert your network addresses (192.168.1., for example) where you and your users connect from before you logout or you’ll have to login via the console to correct the problem. Insert entries similar to the following to allow access for an entire network, single host or domain. You can add as many exceptions as you need. The /etc/hosts.allow file takes precedence over the /etc/hosts.deny to process your exceptions.

Deny SSH by Root

Removing the root user’s ability to SSH provides indirect system security. Logging in as root to a system removes your ability to see who ran privileged commands on your systems. All users should SSH to a system using their standard user accounts and then issue su or sudo commands for proper tracking via system logs.

Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file with your favorite editor and change PermitRootLogin yes to PermitRootLogin no and restart the ssh service to accept the change.

Change the Default Port

While changing the default SSH port (22) will have limited effectiveness in a full port sweep, it will thwart those who focus on specific or traditional service ports. Some sources suggest changing the default port to a number greater than 1024, for example: 2022, 9922 or something more random, such as 2345. If you’re going to use this method as one of your strategies, I suggest that you use a port that doesn’t include the number 22.

Edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the “Port” parameter to your preferred port number. Uncomment the Port line too. Restart the sshd service when you’re finished and inform your users of the change. Update any applicable firewall rules to reflect the change too.

System security is important and is a constant battle. You have to maintain patch levels, updates and constantly plug newly discovered security holes in system services. As long as there are black hat wearing malcontents lurking the Net looking for victims, you’ll have a job keeping those wannabe perpetrators at bay.

Kenneth Hess is a Linux evangelist and freelance technical writer on a variety of open source topics including Linux, SQL, databases, and web services. Ken can be reached via his website at Practical Virtualization Solutions by Kenneth Hess and Amy Newman is available now.

VirtualBox’s Little Secret: The Command Line

The most obvious question is, “Why work at the command line when you have a perfectly good GUI?” The answer is power. Since 1995, there’s a whole generation of computer users who think that the computer is a collection of windows and graphics, but, in reality, nothing could fall farther from the truth. Why, 1995, you ask? 1995 ushered in a new age of graphical computing with the introduction of Windows 95. Soon following that fateful August was the release of FVWM95, which was the Linux answer to the Windows 95 Explorer interface. It seemed to me that the good old days of the command line were gone forever. No one wanted to use DOS anymore and they weren’t too thrilled with Linux either. The command line is still alive and well in Linux environments. It’s still very much alive in the Windows realm. And now that Macs are Unix-based, it’s kicking up some non-GUI dust as well.

It may surprise you to know that sneaking around under that cute VirtuaBox GUI, with its colorful graphics, explicit Settings page and numerous dropdown lists, is the occult world of the command line. The true power of this dark realm reveals itself to those who dare enter its musty catacombs. After you discover the VirtualBox CLI, you might decide that the GUI is little more than lame window dressing (pun intended) created for those passersby who would otherwise ignore the uninspiring black rectangle of the real application.

Command Line Power

The rectangular box to which I refer is the terminal window. The command line offers power automation. Using scripts in the form of Perl, shell scripts or some other language is the only automation method that I’m aware of on *nix systems. The system scheduler daemon (cron) assists you in firing your scripts at the right times. It’s the power of the command line through automation that requires system administrators have scripting capability in their cache of skills. Every system administrator job opening you see will have shell scripting and at least one other interpreted language listed as requirements.

For virtualization, the command line allows you to rapidly create virtual disks, add a new network interface, start VMs and create new VMs, all without the use of a GUI. Scripted automation also allows you to schedule a VM’s start and shutdown without intervention. And, if you’re a really clever scripter, you can create a script that will send you through a series of prompts to create a VM, start, install and update it with very little intervention. If you’re the hands-off type and you have a list of VMs that you use on a regular basis, you can setup a set of scripts (think templates) for each type of VM that you use and create your VM within seconds of needing one.

Let’s take a look at the simplicity and elegance of the command line functionality in VirtualBox.

Installation and Basics

Download a binary distribution from VirtualBox Linux Downloads for your system. For you purists, the source code is also available. My selection (RHEL5/CentOS5 rpm) installed everything in the following locations:

  • Binaries - /usr/lib/virtualbox linked from /usr/bin
  • Libraries - /usr/lib/virtualbox
  • Sources - /usr/share/virtualbox
  • Guest Additions (ISO) - /usr/share/virtualbox

If your distribution doesn’t have the latest VirtualBox available (3.1.2, as of this writing), use one of the downloadable packages or the source code. Once you’ve installed VirtualBox, you may proceed as a regular user.

VM Creation and Configuration

The most difficult part of using the command line is knowing where to start. The GUI makes this easy by having a New button available for you to use. The command line is a bit more reluctant to give up its secrets. To create and setup your new VM, open a terminal window or ssh to the Linux host where you installed VirtualBox and enter the following commands.

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage createvm --name Debian5 –register

This creates the new VM named, Debian5 and registers it with VirtualBox. The VM created is an XML file located in your home directory: ~/.VirtualBox/Machines/Debian5/Debian5.xml.

Create a virtual disk for your VM:

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage createhd --filename Debian5.vdi --size 4000 --variant Fixed

You created a virtual disk named Debian5.vdi, 4GB (4,000MB) in size and with fixed size (non-expanding).

The virtual disk is created under ~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks/Debian.vdi

Create a Storage Controller to which you’ll attach the virtual disk and a virtual CD/DVD drive.

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage storagectl Debian5 --name "IDE Controller" --add ide --controller PIIX4

This command created an IDE controller named “IDE Controller” and controller type PIIX4.

Now, attach your virtual disk to your VM:

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage storageattach Debian5 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium Debian5.vdi

Attach an ISO image for the operating system you want to install:

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage storageattach Debian5 --storagectl "IDE Controller" --port 0 --device 1 --type dvddrive --medium /ISO/debian-40r3-i386-netinst.iso

Setup Networking:

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage modifyvm Debian5 --nic1 bridged --cableconnected1 on --bridgeadapter1 eth0

This creates a bridged NIC with cable connected on startup and the Linux system sees the adapter as eth0.

Start the VM:

$ /usr/bin/VBoxManage startvm Debian5

If all goes as planned, you’ll see the following messages and then your VM window ready for installation.

Waiting for the remote session to open...

Remote session has been successfully opened.

As you can see, creating and setting up a VM at the command line frees you from your mouse click madness and opens up a whole new world of possibilities for VM automation. And, we’ve only scratched the surface here but hopefully this brief introduction will pique your curiosity and set you on a new quest to learn the command line’s awesome power.

Kenneth Hess is a Linux evangelist and freelance technical writer on a variety of open source topics including Linux, SQL, databases, and web services. Ken can be reached via his website at Practical Virtualization Solutions by Kenneth Hess and Amy Newman is available now.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Download IDM (Internet Download Manager) 5.18.2 Full Cracked

IDM (Internet Download Manager) merupakan sebuah download accelerator yang sangat digandrungi banyak kalangan maya sebagai download manager. Karena mempunyai banyak fitur yang bisa menambah kemudahan dalam mendownload. Namun, IDM bukanlah software free alias IDM (Internet Download Manager) merupakan Software berbayar.

Bagi yang ingin mendownload IDM (Internet Download Manager) secara resmi dan legal, silahakan menuju ke lokasi download manager.

Internet Download Manager

Dan bagi -bagi anda yang suka gretongan.. ehehe.. silahkan download dari link berikut :

GreenSQL 1.3: Tembok Api Untuk Basis Data

Untuk mengamankan basis data dari kemungkinan serangan luar, seperti misalnya pada “SQL injection“, dapat dipasang aplikasi khusus misalnya sebuah Database Firewall. GreenSQL adalah sebuah solusi database firewall Open Source seperti itu. GreenSQL berperan sebagai sebuah proxy dan mendukung basis data MySQL dan PostgreSQL. Versi Datatabase-Firewall GreenSQL 1.3 yang baru saja dirilis untuk pertamakalinya menyediakan dukungan komersil termasuk support untuk SQL-server bikinan Microsoft.

Sebagai sebuah proxy, GreenSQL dipasang menghubungkan aplikasi dan database, dan berfungsi sebagai Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System atau sebuah Firewall. GreenSQL melayani permintaan aplikasi dan melakukan analisa kemudian menyampaikannya ke Database. Tergantung dari modus kerja yang ditentukan, permintaan dari aplikasi diuji berdasarkan daftar putih (Whitelist) atau berdasarkan matrik atas analisa potensi risiko. Setelah itu baru GreenSQL memutuskan apa dilakukan selanjutnya terhadap permintaan tersebut.

Pada versi 1.3 GreenSQL mendapat perbaikan terutama pada antarmuka pengguna, misalnya kini bisa mematikan alarm tertentu dan bisa mengkategorikan status kritis terhadap queries tertentu yang tertera di Whitelist. Disain tampilan untuk Alarm dan Whitelists juga secara kesulurahan diperbaharui disamping dilakukan sejumlah perbaikan terhadap kekliruan yang dilaporkan. Beberapa fitur baru untuk edisi Pro telah disertakan, seperti dukungan untuk koneksi SSL, Database-Caching, pemantau aktifitas dan fitur update secara otomatis.

Proyek GreenSQL diawali pada tahun 2007 yang menerapkan perlindungan lisensi bebas GPL. Sebuah instalasi GreenSQL diklaim bisa digunakan untuk melindungan banyak database yang jumlahnya tak dibatasi sekaligus. Versi aktual dari GreenSQL 1.3 kini dapat diunduh langsung dari situs pengembangnya.

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Linus Torvalds Terima Penghargaan NEC C&C Foundation Awards

Bersama dua ilmuwan asal Jepang lainnya, pencipta sistem operasi Linux: Linus Torvalds telah menerima penghargaan dari Yayasan NEC C&C Foundation untuk kemampuan luar biasa dibidang teknologi komputer berikut dampak sosialnya.

NEC C&C Foundation adalah yayasan yang berdiri sejak seperempat abad lalu (1985) dengan tujuan untuk mendorong pengembangan industri elektronika. Yayasan ini menyokong aktifitas penelitian dan pengembangan guna meningkatkan ekonomi dunia dan memperbaiki kwalitas kehidupan umat manusia.

Sejak 1986, setiap tahunnya yayasan ini telah memberikan penghargaan sebagai NEC C&C Award kepada pribadi terpilih termasuk hadiah dalam bentuk uang tunai. Sampai saat ini tercatat 85 pribadi yang telah menerima hadiah dan penghargaan dari yayasan NEC C&C. Hadiah tahun ini diberikan kepada dua kelompok dengan nilai masing-masing 10 Juta Yen (ca. Rp. 1,1 Miliar) per kelompok. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari Hiroyuki Sakaki dan Yasuhiko Arakawa, sementara yang kedua diduduki hanya oleh Dr. Linus Torvalds sebagai bapak dari kernel Linux.

Kedua ilmuwan asal Jepang Dr. Hiroyuki Sakaki (Pensiunan Profesor dari Universitas Tokio sekaligus Presiden dari Toyota Technological Institute) dan Dr. Yasuhiko Arakawa (Professor dari Universitas Tokio dan Direktur dari Institut Elektronika untuk Nano-Quanten-Informations) termasuk kelompok A adalah ahli terkemuka dibidang Efek Quantum untuk Semikonduktor. Sementara di kelompok B, Dr. Linus Torvalds adalah pengembang yang diawali sejak 1991 sebagai seorang mahasiswa di Universitas Helsinki menciptakan sistem operasi Linux yang kini telah merambah di segala bidang, ditanamkan dan jalan di perangkat-perangkat mulai dari Smartphone sampai dengan Supercomputer. Dampak dan pengaruh dari Linux yang sangat luas mendapat penghargaan khusus dari yayasan bergengsi NEC C&C Foundation, termasuk dampak sosialnya, open source dan dapat digunakan secara bebas oleh siapa saja.

Seremoni serah terima dan penobatan secara resmi dijadwalkan pada hari Rabu tanggal 24 November 2010 mulai 15:00 di ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo.

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Ubuntu SuperOS 10.10 Dioptimalkan Untuk Luring

SuperOS 10.10 adalah turunan Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat yang dirilis beberapa hari kemudian, menambahkan sejumlah fitur baru dan dioptimalkan untuk pengguna luring (offline).

Diantara distro yang ada di dunia, Ubuntu termasuk distro yang paling mudah dipasang. Namun, karena kebijakan tertentu yang ingin dipatuhi oleh perusahan penerbitnya Canonical, maka selama atau seusasi instalasi diperlukan sambungan Internet agar semua aplikasi dan komponen yang memerlukan codec dan driver proprietari bisa langsung bunyi dan jalan.

Distro SuperOS yang dibuat berdasarkan dan sepenuhnya kompatibel terhadap Ubuntu menyadari kendala itu kemudian menyiasati dengan menyediakan dan membuka peluang untuk melakukan pasca instalasi codec dan driver tanpa sambungan Internet, disamping menyertakan beberapa kemudahan lainnya agar hidup calon pengguna Ubuntu menjadi lebih indah.

SuperOS 10.10 menyertakan driver-driver yang dibutuhkan pengguna pada umumnya, termasuk driver untuk kartu grafis Nvidia, ATI dan kartu wireless network Broadcom yang semuanya bisa langsung dipasang dari DVD, kemudian diaktivasi via fitur “Aditional Drivers” tanpa koneksi Internet.

Kecuali itu, SuperOS 10.10 telah menyertakan perkakas “usb-creator”, yaitu sebuah installer USB baru yang menggantikan tool “cd2usb.” Dukungan untuk Java juga terpasang di SuperOS untuk memastikan agar pengguna dapat mengakses semua situs-situs yang umumnya membutuhnnya.

Sebagai turunan Ubuntu 10.10 yang diterbitkan beberapa hari kemudian, SuperOS 10.10 masih sempat menyisipkan peket-paket terkini berikut sejumlah perbaikan dan peningkatan yang diambil dari lumbung repositori termasuk kernel Linux kernel, GNOME 2.32, X.Org 7.5 dan lainnya.

Software aplikasi untuk media berikut dukungan masing-masing Codec yang dikemas misalnya VLC untuk memutar DVD dan sejumlah format proprietari seperti MP3, QuickTime, WMV, DivX, Xvid dan sebagainya. Seperti pada SuperOS versi 10.04.1 yang diterbitkan dua bulan sebelumnya, SoperOS 10.10 menyertakan tiga browser utama yaitu Firefox, Google Chrome dan Opera. Media DVD SuperOS tersedia baik untuk arsitektur 32 maupun 64 bit.

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